
At this year’s UK Audio Show,  ProAc has a dedicated room in the Winchester Suite, demonstrating the award winning K1 stand-mount speakers and a special retrospective exhibition.




The exhibition will feature behind the scenes “never seen before” photos, from the late 70’s to the present day, early speaker models, old hi-fi show posters and brochures, telling the story of how ProAc grew from a small unassuming hi-fi shop to a busy manufacturing factory with global distribution.

Then on Sunday 9th Oct, Zoe Tyler-Mardle will be presenting a special talk as part of the Hall of Fame programme. She will be giving an insight into Stewart Tyler’s early life when, as a young child he displayed an unusual sensitivity to sound and how this drove his life long passion for innovative speaker design.

The talk will document the development of different speakers over the years and what it was like for Zoe herself growing up within the family business.

We would love it if you could join us for this special weekend!

For more information about the show and tickets, please go to –

"The beauty of music and the joy and emotion it brings is so much more important than designs based on scientific measurements and statistics. Designing loudspeakers is an art, a gift of knowing when something is right – when the soundstage is portrayed, the speakers disappear, and you thrill to the music."

Stewart Tyler